Pope Voices Concerns About Greece, But What About Same-Sex ‘Marriage’?

The sortie of Messolonghi, during the Greek War of Independence (1821–1830), by Theodoros Vryzakis.

The Vatican issued a communiqué today on the crisis affecting Greece, saying the news regarding the economic and social situation in the country “is worrying”.

“The Holy Father wishes to convey his closeness to all the Greek people, with a special thought for the many families gravely beset by such a complex and keenly felt human and social crisis,” Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said.

“The dignity of the human person must remain at the centre of any political and technical debate, as well as in the taking of responsible decisions.”

He added that Pope Francis “invites all the faithful to unite in prayer for the good of the beloved Greek people.”

The country is at risk of defaulting, and a referendum vote on Sunday is being seen as a ballot on staying in the euro or leaving the single currency.

Clearly serious though this is, with possibly tragic implications for Greece and further afield, many have noticed that the Holy Father has yet to say anything arguably so publicly about what is widely seen as a far greater threat to souls: namely the legalization of same-sex “marriage” in the United States, Ireland and elsewhere.

Traditionally such issues are left to local bishops to deal with.

But given the grave moral and spiritual implications of redefining marriage and the threat it poses to religious freedom, shouldn’t the Pope be speaking publicly more about that instead of — or as well as — economics and politics?


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