Cardinal Zen: Suppression of Individual Masses in St. Peter’s Basilica ‘Incredible’

Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun has become the fifth cardinal to oppose the suppression of individual Masses in St. Peter’s basilica, saying if it weren’t for coronavirus restrictions, he would take the first flight to Rome and kneel in front of the Pope’s residence until the new rules were withdrawn.

In a statement posted on his blog, the bishop emeritus of Hong Kong said he received the “incredible news” with “pain and indignation” and recalled the times he was free to celebrate individual Masses in St. Peter’s basilica.

Those were the ones, he said, that he celebrated “with the greatest fervour and emotion, sometimes with tears, praying for our living martyrs in China” but who are “now abandoned, pushed into the bosom of the schismatic [Chinese] church by the ‘Holy See’.”

He refers in his statement to pastoral guidelines issued in June 2019 which the Holy See has insisted are necessary as part of an effort to normalise Sino-Holy See relations, but which Cardinal Zen sees as a “most evil thing,” worse than the 2018 provisional agreement, that will “push everybody” into joining the independent, state-run church, and force clergy into apostasy.

The cardinal’s message was addressed to Cardinal Robert Sarah, the prefect emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, who on Monday made an extensive appeal to the Pope to rescind the new rules.


Card. Robert Sarah

Dear Eminence,

Pain and indignation invade my heart to hear such incredible news: they have forbidden private masses in St. Peter’s!?

If it were not for the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus, I would take the first flight to come to Rome and kneel before the door of Santa Marta until the Holy Father had that edict withdrawn.

It was the thing that most strengthened my faith every time I came to Rome: at exactly seven o’clock you enter the sacristy (I almost always met the saintly man, the archbishop who later became Cardinal Paolo Sardi), a young priest comes forward and helps me put on my vestments, then they lead me to an altar (in the Basilica or in the grottoes, it makes no difference to me, we are in St. Peter’s Basilica!). I think these were the Masses that, in my life, I celebrated with greatest fervour and emotion, sometimes with tears, praying for our living martyrs in China (now abandoned and pushed into the bosom of the schismatic church by the “Holy See” [this is what the document of June 2019 looked like, as it had no signatures and was not reviewed by the Congregation for Doctrine]).

It is time to reduce the excessive power of the Secretariat of State. Away with the sacrilegious hands from the common home of all the faithful of the world! Let them be content to play worldly diplomacy with the father of lies. Let them make the Secretariat of State “a den of thieves” but leave God’s devout people in peace!

“It was night!”  (John 13:30)

Your brother

Joseph Zen, SDB

My translation from the original Italian


  1. Cardinal Zen is my Catholic hero, truly a Man of God…ready to fight evil face on, without fear and with Grace. I cant imagine how broken hearted he must be to have to watch the destruction and bastardizing of his people, at at the hands of wicked men and with the agreement ofthe one we are to call the holy father.

    For all the outrages committed against the Chinese Christians, Catholics and Uighurs, the faithful clergy, and those still suffering in anguish, I pray ,that Jesus will console them ..For this precious brave man, I pray that He will be emboldened and empowered and used by God to open our eyes to the evil influences in high-places in our Catholic Church. My we be ever interceding for him and his few brave friends like Card. Sarah , and Abp fight for our Faith that it may restored to Purity of Purpose…the the Temple will be cleansed and the TRUTH of Jesus Christ will be once again..made known and Loved
    and that The Holy Spirit of God will reign in the hearts of our “TEACHERS/PRIESTS/PROPHets Immaculate Mother of Mercy please pray for Card Zen and keep us all in your loving Care. VivaCristoRey

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