Argentinian Author and Commentator Reflects on the ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ Crisis and Pope Francis

José Arturo Quarracino.
José Arturo Quarracino.

Born in Buenos Aires in 1953, José Arturo Quarracino is an author and commentator and a nephew of the late Buenos Aires Cardinal Antonio Quarracino who made Father Jorge Mario Bergoglio an auxiliary bishop (he explains why in this revealing 2022 interview with Gloria TV).

Mr Quarracino offered this short analysis in response to several questions: what should happen now after Fiducia Supplicans, whether he thought another clarification of the declaration might be issued, or even whether the document could be withdrawn. Also, I was interested to know whether he thought the document’s author, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, should resign, as some are calling for, and whether Francis might accept his resignation:

José Arturo Quarracino: “I consider that Bergoglio has already been defeated in terms of his authority, which has been seriously damaged: a large part of the institutional Church has turned against him, and a vast number of the Catholic laity as well, both for doctrinal or dogmatic reasons and for reasons of common sense.

Of course he should withdraw the document and fire “Tucho,” but he is not going to do it for two reasons: 1) He has a very big ego, which has been exacerbated by his exercise of the papacy, and 2) because he is endowed with arrogance, as deep down he believes he is superior. His latest statements, to the effect that those who “criticize the Declaration have not understood it or are closed-minded” are along these lines, as if he were saying “I am the Truth” or the famous phrase of Louis XIV: “I am the State [the Church].” He has ceased to be a shepherd who feeds the Lord’s sheep (the command of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Peter at the end of John’s Gospel) and has become a leader who imposes novelties. What he says in the letter he addressed to Cardinal Tucho Fernandez when he appointed him prefect of the DDF also shows this, in the sense that the latter’s mission is to adapt all the documents of the Holy See to the “humus” of Tradition (not with the Tradition) and to the “current magisterium” — that of Francis. And all the previous Magisterium? Sent to the archive.

I am convinced, and I emphasize this in my article (on Marco Tosatti’s blog), that it is not a minor fact that he stripped himself of all papal attributes as being “historical,” that is to say, of the past (they are no longer valid) and keeping only that of Bishop of Rome. Nor is it a minor fact that he has allied himself with the House of Rothschild and the Council for Inclusive Capitalism.*

God willing, Bergoglio may come to his senses and return to the Lord, but I see him very jugado [played], as we say in Spanish. He does not give the impression that he is going to abandon his service as chaplain to a hybrid Church for the benefit of the globalist financial powers, its genocidal New World Order with delusions of a Great Reset and the implementation of Transhumanism. Hope is the last thing to be lost, as the saying goes, but I believe that Don Jorge Mario will not rectify himself.”

* In his 2022 interview with Gloria TV, Mr Quarracino said that he believes what some attribute to Pope Francis as “Peronism” actually comes from “Baroness Lynn Forester, the third wife of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild: the concept of inclusion, the cry of the poor and the cry of Mother Earth, etc., concepts familiar to the oligarchic world that this lady represents.” Rothschild is one of the founders of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism which began a collaboration with the Vatican in 2020.

Edward Pentin

1 Comment

  1. Why is such an important document not put up for discussion with the relevant scrutinizers in the Vatican and elsewhere beforehand…things like scope, limitations, doctrinal purity are needed for discussions on clarity… the fuziness of the document can only lead to multiple confusions and rifts. Truth should bring clarity.

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