In response to a pro-LGBT concert last night in St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, Archbishop Carlo Vigano has said the event was a sacrilege and a consequence of idolatry that “darkens the mind and perverts judgement.”
In a message to Alexander Tschugguel, one of the founders of the St. Boniface Institute who led a rosary outside the cathedral while the event was taking place, Archbishop Vigano noted that “once again” Vienna suffers from “yet another homoerotic and blasphemous provocation.”
The cathedral was used Nov. 30 to stage a ‘Believe Together’ concert, hosted by an association called LIFE+ and which marked World AIDS Day. Among the performers in the cathedral was Thomas Neuwirth [aka drag queen ‘Conchita Wurst’] who performed under his new pseudonym ‘WURST.’

“Gay activists, transvestites and transsexuals perform on the Cathedra of St. Stephen,” the archbishop said, “when instead they should receive from the Catholic Church the proclamation of Christ’s liberating Truth and the gift of his saving Love, freely offered to all those who, from the depths of their wounds and repentance, dare to acknowledge their need for salvation.”
But he added that the “enormity of the scandals will never diminish the Lord’s power” and therefore “we have no reason to lose courage or confidence.”
“I join with all my heart the little flock, who are perhaps without a Shepherd but are called to gather in the Heart of the Immaculata to implore from her, through the reparative prayer of the Holy Rosary, God’s forgiveness for the offenses and outrages that have been perpetrated,” he said.
“We wish to redouble our faith and tirelessly implore the Immaculate Mother of God and our true Mother” to help the faithful “persevere in the faith,” Archbishop Vigano added, and closed with St. Bernard’s words of encouragement underlining how necessary the Lord’s grace is in the face of man’s sinful nature.
Tschugguel gained global attention in October when he seized four “Pachamama” statuettes from a church in Rome and threw them into the Tiber. He and many others believed the statuettes, which made frequent appearances during the month-long synod, were being worshipped as pagan idols.
The Vatican claimed they were simply Amazonian objects signifying life and fertility, but was unwilling to offer more details.
Dear Alexander,
Dear faithful gathered in prayer for the recitation of the Rosary outside the Cathedral of St. Stephan in Vienna,
May the Lord Jesus and the Virgin Mary be with you!
We have seen idolatry penetrate the Temple of God and lay claim to the worship due exclusively to the living and true God.
Several small statues, identified as the Pachamama idol, were carried in procession.
Dear Alexander remembered the warning of the jealous God — jealous because He is the “Friend of man,” who is jealous for his eternal truth and his glorious destiny.
This warning echoes in the pages of the revealed Scripture, which should fill us all with sacred trembling: “You shall break down their altars, and dash in pieces their pillars … and burn their graven images with fire!” (Deuteronomy 7:5). You shall drown them in the waters of the Tiber, “for it is an abomination to the Lord your God. And you shall not bring an abominable thing into your house” (Deuteronomy 7:25-26).
Saint Paul teaches us that man falls into idolatry when, having become incredulous and apostate, he despises the knowledge of God and persists in his refusal to glorify him, “The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth … himself gives to all men life and breath and everything … ‘In him we live and move and have our being’” (Acts 17:24,28).
Idolatry stifles truth in injustice, it darkens the mind and perverts judgment. Then man, at the mercy of the tyranny of his vile passions and his wandering desires, abandons himself to every form of perversion and impurity, “to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever” (Rom 1:24).
Once again Vienna, the glorious capital that was able to resist the advance of the Ottoman Horde with the weapons of light and faith, suffers — dismayed and scandalized — yet another homoerotic and blasphemous provocation. Gay activists, transvestites and transsexuals perform on the Cathedra of St. Stephen, when instead they should receive from the Catholic Church the proclamation of Christ’s liberating Truth and the gift of his saving Love, freely offered to all those who, from the depths of their wounds and repentance, dare to acknowledge their need for salvation.
I join with all my heart the little flock, who are perhaps without a Shepherd but are called to gather in the Heart of the Immaculata to implore from her, through the reparative prayer of the Holy Rosary, God’s forgiveness for the offenses and outrages that have been perpetrated.
The enormity of the scandals will never diminish the Lord’s power: therefore, we have no reason to lose courage or confidence. Faced with the sinister vision of a church that seems to want to rebuild itself against the faith and against the truth of the human person, that supports and promotes that which degrades life and causes the loss of souls, we wish to redouble our faith and tirelessly implore the Immaculate Mother of God and our true Mother: Vitam praesta puram, iter para tutum, ut videntes Iesum semper colletemur. Keep our life all spotless, make our way secure, till we find in Jesus, joy for evermore (Ave Maris Stella). By teaching us to gaze on Jesus, the Virgin Mary enables us to persevere in the faith as an “Acies ordinata, a deployment of militant, suffering and triumphant souls, united to affirm the honor of the Church, the glory of God and the good of souls. Enlistment is open” (Roberto de Mattei).
As we prepare to cross the threshold of a new liturgical year, Saint Bernard places in our hearts and on our lips the words of our unshakable hope, and our certain faith, as our hearts open to the ardor of Christ’s charity, the only remedies against the advance of iniquity:
“Even now, let us celebrate with all our hearts the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ… He came not only to us, but for us… The greatness of the grace he has given us shows us the poverty of our need. We judge the severity of our illness from how much it costs to heal it… The coming of the Savior is therefore necessary. The state of man makes His Presence indispensable. May the Savior come soon!”
+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Titular Arcbishop of Ulpiana
Translation by Diane Montagna
Wonderful, beautiful words from Vigano. He is not trying to protect himself or anybody else, has no political agenda, and now is just calling it as he sees it from the firm vantage point of the Faith. Bergoglio can do whatever he wants, but he’s not going to be able to destroy the Faith.
When Communism enter Cuba 60 yrs ago. Herds of atheist communist used to enter D church in my town shouting & profaning it. I was 13 yrsold & I was appalled as I saw them erupting in. THIS IS EVEN WORST VIOLATION OF SACRED
SPACE where GOD dwells. EVERYONE of D Bishops should raise their voice 4 Christ & ANATHEMATIZE Schornborn. And each of us simple Catholic faithfuls should be ready to try to stop such BLASPHEMOUS situations, specially inside CONSECRATED CATH CHURCHES!
This is horrible that a Catholic church allowed this.
Who permitted them use of the Cathedral?
Our biggest problem is a pope who is a communist. He concerns himself with global warming etc when he should be concerned with priests who attack little boys and young girls. I am a cradle Catholic and hate what is happening. Francis is not the leader needed in this day and age. Nothing can be done. He is destroying our church.
In the United States, the clergy abuse scandal is long over. In the last year we have data for, there were three substantiated cases of abuse made against over 50,000 members of the clergy. That comes to .006 percent. The media keeps rehashing decades old cases, which keeps the perception and animus against the Catholic Church alive.
It’s truly upsetting, to the point of sickening the faithful, that our Lord’s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity May have been in the tabernacle. What an outrageous, blasphemous sacrilege this is. Our Lord won’t be mocked or accept the jibes as he did when carrying and then sacrificing himself on his cross. You just try to have a special Mass to celebrate the opposite in reparation for Our Lord’s suffering and death. Our Holy Mother Mary’s sadness and sorrows….p.j.
How do they get into the church who allows this?
So sad for our lord to see this in one of his holy churches.
Copy and paste from article
Even now, let us celebrate with all our hearts the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ… [we always have celebrated but now its different]
He came not only to us, but for us… [Yes He did]
The greatness of the grace HE has given us shows us the poverty of our need. [Indeed we are in need aka beyond economical repair]
We judge the severity of our illness from how much it costs to heal it…
[REPEAT = BEYOND ECONOMICAL REPAIR] The coming of the Savior is therefore necessary.
[Absolutely necessary before HE loses HIS Elect]
The state of man makes His Presence indispensable.
[The battle lines have been drawn > The State of Man vs The Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ]
May the Savior come soon!”
[Rewrite ~ Savior come Now!
Literally we know every square inch of Our Lord…
His forehead for the Crown of Thornes
His hands in where the nails pierced.
His feet where nails pierced.
His flesh which was opened at the scourging at the pillar.
His Heart intentionally pierced for a final act to silence our God.
Our Father Who art in Heaven,
cease Your delay,
and return Your Son and His Justice today.
His return and Justice is needed at this moment, any further dealay will cause the Loss of the Elect.
Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.