The website Renovatio 21 has published an open letter from one of three former Swiss Guards who refused to undergo the mandatory vaccination against Covid being applied to the Pontifical military corps in Vatican City State.
All three of them lost their job, but Pierre-André Udressy wanted to go public and provide some background to his decision.
He began his open letter by explaining that he had no grounds for medical exemption but added that he wanted to think about this choice, not with “pro or anti” vaccine biases in general.
“All I wanted to do was understand the implications and the reasons for ‘such a vaccine’ to be ‘administered under such conditions, to such a population, in such a place,’” he wrote.
He paints a picture of considerable injustices being perpetrated within the Vatican, adding that he has witnessed pressure being “progressively and subversively placed on people to convince them to undertake a burden they didn’t want to take.”
Udressy concluded: “What is certain is that, in all this, what we are experiencing has nothing human let alone Christian about it, and it is truly intolerable to see the holy Vatican City come to this point!” (see his 12 points below).
‘A Terrible Choice’
Since the publication of the letter, Udressy has given an interview, also published in Renovatio, in which he revealed he had contracted Covid in December 2020 and so did not see a medical reason to take the vaccine.
He said in the exchange, published Oct. 10, that the Guards were given the opportunity to take the jab around Christmas last year, but “no one signed up because everyone doubted the vaccine.” This then led to seminars being held to convince them to take it but they did not sway him.
“They said that even when vaccinated, the virus was transmitted. They also said that despite the vaccine, restrictions such as masks and social distancing would not go away. It was hard to understand the vaccine’s effectiveness and its usefulness,” Udressy said.
Moreover, he added that the issue of aborted foetal cell lines being used in the production of the vaccine “was only briefly hinted at,” and that the CDF had already addressed it.
“I left the seminar dazed,” Udressy recalled, and it gave him “more doubts about the vaccine.”
He added that in August, more pressure was exerted on them to take the vaccine and a deadline to be vaccinated was set for Sept. 15. The commander of the Swiss Guard, who was reluctant to take it as well, summoned Udressy to his office and explained the situation. “Disappointed and distressed that it was a definitive thing,” he said the unvaccinated guards “had to leave.”
“In practice, unvaccinated guards could be fired,” he said, and the commander “informed me that the decision came not only from the Secretariat of State, but from the authority of the Vatican.”
Asked by Renovatio if, by that, Udressy meant the Pope, he replied: “It is so. It was also explained that there was no other option, not even waiting an extra month for a traditional type of vaccine. It was explained to me that taking time to argue was impossible. The decision was made.”
This, he said, left the Guards with a “terrible choice to make, having really no choice. Three resigned and three were fired.”
He said he received a letter saying he had until Oct. 6 to quit or take the vaccine. “After that date, there would be dismissal.”
Udressy said protests were possible on the grounds of the injustice, but “in the end we were very docile.” The majority ended up taking the vaccine “to escape the pressure, to be able to go out, go to the restaurant. Not for medical reasons. For false freedoms.”
On the aborted foetal cell lines issue, he said this was raised before Christmas but after the CDF note was published, “no one spoke about it anymore.”
He said he was more concerned with the other problems associated with the vaccine, but for him it is “fundamentally a question of reason: why accept something that is not reasonable to me? Then there is the political problem: there is a pressure around this thing that is not normal. Then there is the ethical problem.”
He said he found it “scandalous that this thing is imposed in this way for a political reason, when it should be something done conscientiously with a doctor. It is extremely serious that this obligation is extended to the whole world. Above all, the suppression of freedom … and it is even more serious that this happens in the Vatican, even more strongly than in other countries. The Vatican is the center of the Church, it should defend freedom of conscience, freedom in general. For me, a Catholic, it is something inhumane.”
Asked what is the “origin of this evil in the Vatican,” Udressy said the doctors took the decisions, but added there was another issue in play: “The fact that we are no longer trying to defend the truth, but rather trying to adapt to what’s happening outside, and even be the first to apply the changes.”
He says he will now return to Switzerland and readjust to life over there, returning to work as a carpenter which was his profession for five years before signing up to serve as a Swiss Guard.
Open Letter
Here below is Udressy’s open letter detailing 12 reasons why he didn’t wish to take the vaccine, and for which he said he had received compliments from cardinals and priests:
“1. The very principle of taking a vaccine is this: the prevention of an evil by preventing it in order to acquire immunity, taking into account the risks and benefits [his emphasis]. “Doubt is the beginning of knowledge.”
2. Every vaccine carries risks and requires caution especially when it’s not been sufficiently tested, according to the urgency or the state of the patient. Unfortunately, one must admit reality and take into consideration adverse events.
The frequency of fatalities after vaccination is “underestimated,” according to the director of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, who adds: “The vaccine is the cause of death in 30-40% of autopsies of recently vaccinated people.” But “the acceptable risk is the one that is accepted.”
3. A danger may have to be accepted for a greater good, no doubt, as general immunity might be.
However, according to Didier Febvrel, director of the Health Service of Marseille, “ensuring that the vaccine presents no danger and that it is the decisive weapon against the virus comes from a utopian and military communication of the last century that coincides with propaganda.”
4. Unfortunately, many times in the history of accidents have taken place precisely because of the politicization of vaccination campaigns, as with hepatitis B, rubella in England, the H1N1 crisis, the POR Walkefield affair, and chickenpox disappeared but for which we continue to vaccinate with deadly risks …
Throughout all of this, the only problem would be that it results in bad publicity for the vaccine! So those who object to it are increasingly every day, to the point of avoiding some vaccines considered important. numerous and some vaccines considered important are avoided…
And the vaccine’s protection is certainly not guaranteed by universally mandating it, an obligation in fact already decided on September 12, 2019 (before the “pandemic”) at the Global Vaccination Summit.
Then we are told that we would have herd immunity with 75% of the population vaccinated, “except that this is not science,” said Dr. Didier Raoult, of the IHU in Marseille, one of the greatest living infectious scientists. “For the same microbe, the contagiousness is different between one strain and another. In fact, the very idea, apparently very logical, that the more a population is vaccinated the less the virus circulates, is not entirely accurate.”
5. Also according to this ideology, one could therefore let part of the population be free not to get vaccinated, but things are not like that, vaccination must be something global, without limits or discernment. But how can we hope for immunity if the vaccinated themselves are carriers of the virus?
“Although vaccination is advancing at an increasing pace, the virus is not going away and patients will need safe and effective treatment,” said Stelle Kyriakides, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety.
6. So it happened that over the past [calendar] year, I’d like to point out that all members of the Swiss Guard who had tested positive for COVID-19 had been vaccinated, at most, a few months earlier. And what about Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, but then in a very critical pandemic situation?
7. Dear authorities, in response to the pressure that has been put on us, I could have defended myself with medical certificates, declaring that I was immune for having contracted the disease at the end of last year.
Surely one cannot be immunized better than by recovery from the disease itself. I could then have logically been justified in saying that I did not need a vaccine: but this would not have been accepted either!
And it is still preferable for me to testify in full truth, without hypocrisy, what is my duty to testify and thus support all those who allow themselves to think differently, to react with intelligence and avoid with conviction what is not reasonable.
How many of my dear colleagues have unfortunately succumbed to a medical treatment to which they did not give full consent, compelled by force, in order to regain their freedom? For me, it is fundamental to defend Freedom with determination.
Why should I force myself to do something I know to be absurd? Who could force me?
8. In this regard I quote the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which on December 21, 2020 said: “practical reason makes evident that vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary.”
What are we to understand? Is this not the indication that comes to us from the Catholic Church?
9. In every way, and especially in the most hypocritical ways, governments have gone so far as to scare people under the guise of prevention. What is really frightening are those who take advantage of this “window of opportunity,” who were waiting for nothing else than for the reconstruction of the world, the abolition of community-based societies, the denaturalization of the human species with the proliferation of specific laws (early abortion, human/animal chimera embryos, PMA/GPA).
What is even more frightening is the neglect of Life where Life should be defended! In such a dramatic situation, people would expect nothing but spiritual support: in such a crisis only Faith could allow them to accept the situation.
Unfortunately, the greatest scandal is right there. [The Catholic hierarchy] has come to suppress spiritual and sacramental support and to abandon people in need. The situation has certainly been difficult to manage: there have been government threats, but in many places Church authorities played it by ear and it is these same ecclesiastical authorities who refused to bring supernatural help to those in need. The Vatican set this example! There would be many anecdotes to report here that would prove the absurdity of the decisions made by men of little faith.
Many times we’ve been told about the history of the Church, the faith of the Early Church Fathers, the commitment of the Holy Church during the great plagues. But nothing can justify the absurdity of the current situation.
How many times have we asked ourselves these questions when admiring so many concrete episodes in the history of Rome and of all Italy. Strangely enough, morality is disguised; it seems that in case of urgency everything is allowed.
10. What about the document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith cited above? Does it have no bearing, even juridically, in the Vatican?
What about this obligation against the conscience of honest people?
What about the document issued by the Pontifical Academy for Life on June 5, 2005 [on use of vaccines derived from aborted fetal cell lines]?
This document clearly states that illicit vaccines, prepared from cells from aborted human fetuses, must be combated, while then admitting that in case of need their use could be accepted.
“Doctors and fathers of families have a duty to take recourse to alternative vaccines (if they exist), (cf. John Paul II, Evangelium vitae, n.74), putting pressure on the political authorities and health systems so that other vaccines without moral problems become available. They should take recourse, if necessary, to the use of conscientious objection with regard to the use of vaccines produced by means of cell lines of aborted human foetal origin.”
So according to the doctrine of the Holy See, certain vaccines are clearly defined as illicit, at least as far as their production is concerned, and although it is tolerated to use them in case of necessity, it is said that the governments that spread such vaccines should be opposed.
“Equally, they should oppose by all means (in writing, through the various associations, mass media, etc.) the vaccines which do not yet have morally acceptable alternatives, creating pressure so that alternative vaccines are prepared, which are not connected with the abortion of a human foetus, and requesting rigorous legal control of the pharmaceutical industry producers.”
Even the Academy’s own July 31, 2017 document, while more permissive regarding the use of such products, does not fail to mention the necessary “joint commitment to ensure that any vaccine has no reference in its preparation to any material of abortive origin.”
Now the Vatican, the institution of the Church, has chosen the Pfizer vaccine, tested on abortive cell lines. What should we think? It even imposes the vaccine on all its employees, although as a sovereign state, it would have the possibility to choose products not contaminated by abortion, which also exist.
As a Catholic who follows the Magisterium, I have a duty to fight against the vaccine choices of the Vatican City? If one reads the documents cited, one must answer yes.
11. Yes, I have followed up to this point the evolution of these restrictions, of the vaccination obligation, and I have endured until today, as a victim, all that we have had to endure.
12. I have witnessed all the pressure that’s been progressively and subversively placed on people to convince them to undertake a burden they didn’t want to take.
I have witnessed situations of injustice, all the more oppressive in that they weighed on people whose situation was more difficult than mine, even though I myself was exhausted. I have endured it all until the end, trying to serve as best I could.
By the intuition of my conscience, and after praying about it, I was moved to discern things in this way, and, once persuaded of my duty, I thus defend Liberty and stand up for those who have been so severely tested.
What is certain is that, in all this, what we are experiencing has nothing human let alone Christian about it, and it is truly intolerable to see the holy Vatican City come to this point!
May St. Michael deign to always protect and defend the Holy City!
Acriter et fideliter
Pierre-André Udressy
Former Swiss guard and current poor citizen of the Vatican.”
God bless this young man.
We applaud your courageous decision to fight against the vaccine choices of the Vatican City which contain aborted foetal cells Thank you for standing up for liberty ,by praying and following your conscience in this matter even though you have lost your position as a Swiss Guard . May God Bless you abundantly.throuhn the Intercession of The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heartof Mary. Franci Bergolio cannnot be Pope.He is a heretic
Excellent article and statement of reasons from the Swiss Guard soldier.
This needs to be read throughout the Church.
Each point speaks truth, and I need not relist them.
Governments, whomever controls them, are now closer to total control of persons. In the USA there has been no law mandating vaccination; only a conversation. Yet, corporations and dioceses are mandating. Why do not governments and the Catholic Church accept natural immunnity from having had the vaccine? The clearest decision revealing desire for the restructuring of governments so as to obtain total control.
God will bless you for your courage. You are bearing the cross with Christ. I fear this is only the beginning of the persecution to come. May God grant us strength to endure the battles ahead.
I once received all sorts of shots upon entering the US Army, and continued to get more throughout my service without doing detailed research on each vaccine; an experience shared by service people of militaries around the world. The Swiss soldiers once marched many miles to go die defending the Holy father and are now second guessing bishops guidance and fearful of something 90 yr olds received over a year ago and are doing fine.
The “second-guessing” is not because of fear but because of morality… did you read the article? He had Covid, he is immune already, he doesn’t need the vaccine, and the biggest question is why the Vatican is forcing all its employees to take an abortion tainted vaccine. He is no coward, actually, he is a hero of the Faith!
May God bless this man and all who face loss of employment and the hardship that entails for themselves and their families. I pray God will protect and bless them abundantly as they fight against these unconscionable mandates. As with Job, may God grant them “twice as much as they had before” (Job 41: 10). God is sovereign. Let us trust that God will sustain and bless those who faithfully follow him regardless of cost.
Bergoglio issues a command. Absolutely no “dialogue.”
That is Bergoglio’s fingerprint. That is how he treats everyone who resists the Satanic globalist agenda.
May Our Lord and His Mother bless this brave man, a white martyr!
Our Lady of Fatima, please pray for us.
I can see why the discussion of fetal tissue was dropped, though I don’t believe the CDF document should have been seen as binding one’s conscience in favor of the vaccine. What bothers me most is how there has been almost no discussion of how vaccination needs to be voluntary, which is consistent with Church teaching and international law. Perhaps Bergoglio was opposed to the inclusion of this clause, which may have been insisted upon by Cardinal Ladaria? It certainly has not been respected by any Church entity that requires vaccination, including the Vatican.
When I was 9 years old, neighbor kids beat me up for being Catholic. They said we Catholics have to do everything the pope says. That’s what anti-Catholic Protestants say about us. I asked my Dad if it was true. He told me, “The pope can say the sky is green and the grass is blue, but we don’t have to believe that.” This pope seems to think my anti-Catholic Protestant bully neighbors were right. I don’t. I know they were just bullies. As an adult I learned that it’s heresy to believe that the pope speaks for God in every single matter. He’s not God, he doesn’t speak for God, he just expresses his own personal opinions. And in my informed opinion, his personal opinions are ill-informed.
The Pope is not my conscience.
The interface between the State and what the State may be.
Humans always are burdened, certainly physically in such’s survival imperative; yet morally, according to which one is presented with, not only life and death, but what is Life now, and each human’s reaction to its greater imperative to the graced free will to choose what death means within the earth-bound concept of life as conceived, and as to its oft ignored imperative to the eternal.
These concepts drive the faithful, no matter their estimable or more humble station.
There are certainly years from which apparently the exhortation as to moral thought, even prior exegesis, perhaps fundamentally instructional, let alone initial research, may have been ignored, yet persist through trial. Currently, we see “practical reason makes evident that vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary,” and yet must grapple with other thoughts seemingly ‘rule-like.’
There does alas at essence appear in these times amidst the turmoil a current political alliance with a current political imperative, seemingly bereft of intent to advert to or in combat with the vast assistance of Catholicity; whether in political matters or an insistence of its continuum of natural and conducive socio-political life nothwithstanding. Does this leave it to be determined in its moral direction these political outcomes, faciley and/or complicit? I would venture, not to those of estimable or humble of station. Both will have prayed, and at this instant, are praying for internal and external reparation, and forward to correction to once again direct personal and societal attention to the eternal. That further entails properly structuring societal engagements, which in turn re-inforces political policy that at once projects security and backs it with properly perspectived resolve. But these admirable objectives seemingly await an engagement with the current idea of the direction, and whether enough is given to its contradiction.
How can we accept that a Pope decides over your life..your future family..your health…your freedom…
How can we accept to participate in genocide?
How can we accept to put in risk the Human Genome..just because if you let to be part of this experiment you will not suffer more pressure.
God Bless this young man for taking a courageous stand against the Mandatory actions of the Vatican….
Lieber Pierre-André Udressy
Sie haben sich richtig entschieden.
Und mit ihrem offenen Brief helfen Sie auch anderen Menschen, ihren Standpunkt zu wahren, auf ihren Verstand und auf ihr Herz zu hören.
Als Katholik wird Ihnen dieser Schritt nicht einfach gefallen sein.
Ich selber bin 2020 wegen des Verhaltens der Katholischen Kirche zu Corona aus der Kirche ausgetreten. Es gibt einen liebenden Gott und Jesus Christus, aber dazu hat diese Institution ihre Anbindung verloren. Ich schreibe hier von der Institution und nicht von einzelnen Mitgliedern, wo das nicht zu trifft.
Wo war 2020/21 der Protest des Vatikans, dass Menschen einsam starben? Der Vatikan hat sich auf die Seite des unmenschlichen Corona-Regimes geschlagen.
Wo war der Protest, dass selbst Kinder mit Masken gefährdet und gequält werden?
Wo war die christliche Nächstenliebe? Können die Pfarrer, die sich diesem Corona-Regime angeschlossen haben, noch die Geschichte des barmherzigen Samariters den Kindern vorlesen, ohne dass es ihnen die Schamesröte in das Gesicht treibt?
Wo ist der Protest gegen dieses Genexperiment an der Menschheit? Die Pharma-Industrie kennt sich wohl besser aus, als Gott der Schöpfer!
Lieber Pierre-André Udressy, Sie sind Christ von ganzem Herzen. Bleiben Sie in ihrer Gewissheit!
Liebe Grüße
Aus Olten von Urs Stotz
Dear Pierre-André Udressy
You have made the right decision.
And with your open letter, you are also helping other people to maintain their position, to listen to their mind and to their heart.
As a Catholic, this step will not have been easy for you.
I myself left the Church in 2020 because of the Catholic Church’s behaviour towards Corona. There is a loving God and Jesus Christ, but to that this institution has lost its connection. I am writing here of the institution and not of individual members where this does not apply.
Where was the Vatican’s protest in 2020/21 that people were dying alone? The Vatican sided with the inhuman Corona regime.
Where was the protest that even children wearing masks were being endangered and tortured?
Where was the Christian charity? Can the pastors who have joined this Corona regime still read the story of the Good Samaritan to the children without it bringing blushes to their faces?
Where is the protest against this genetic experiment on humanity? The pharmaceutical industry knows better than God the Creator!
Dear Pierre-André Udressy, you are a Christian with all your heart. Stay in your certainty!
Kind regards
From Olten Urs Stotz
Hallo Herr Urs Stotz,
ich teile genauso wie Sie diese Anteilname!
Auch ich bin aus solchen Gründen jetzt ohne Arbeit.
Aber austreten aus der katholischen Kirche, auf keinen Fall! Sondern viel eher sich noch mehr als früher dafür einzusetzen, dass diese Kirche wieder Gottgefälliger und menschenfreundlicher wird! Je mehr wir sind, umso besser wird uns das gelingen.
Herzliche Grüße
Alois Abart
If Pierre-Andre Udressy has a go fund me page, I would like to send him a donation to help his family. What happened to him is a disgrace and deserves our help.